Hitachi 250L Multi-door Freezer
Hitachi's freezer is yet another outstanding Hitachi product. This freezer has many interesting characteristics and may be an excellent choice for your kitchen.
It has 250 liters capacity and a multi-door design. In addition, it boasts being the first freezer in the nation with an entire bottom drawer, which can store fruits and vegetables.
This multi-door design is based on two principles. First, the best way to keep your vegetables and fruits organized in your freezer is by having separate storage. Second, you can also save the smell of vegetables and fruits out of the freezer. This is a great feature for those who don't like strange smells every time they open their freezer.
The power label states that this freezer requires significantly less power and uses only 175 KWh annually. This can reduce your power consumption and power costs. The freezer is more efficient than a CFL in terms of power consumption. That's right. This should convince you to get this freezer even if it's not for the features.
Hitachi fridge price in Bangladesh includes some incredible technologies to provide the best protection for your food. First, the new technology helps to absorb any ethylene emitted from fruits and veggies. This reduces sugar levels, prevents them from becoming too ripe, and keeps them fresher for longer.
However, the most recent technology uses the addition of an additive to preserve freshness and prevent bacteria from developing in the meals.
The Moisture retention technique is last but certainly not the most important. The traditional freezer system uses cold air to flow onto the frozen contents directly. This new technology ensures that cold, but not hot air, flows around the meal.
You may be asking what the difference is. You see, direct cold blowing on food can cause it to lose its moisture and ruin its freshness. On the other hand, you can ensure that your meal is fresh and tasty with airflow technology.
Samsung 410L smart Inverter frost-free Freezer
Samsung wants no introduction. The company is known for creating high-quality products. For instance, the Samsung Smart freezer can hold 410 Liters. A family of six or more can use this fridge. The fridge can hold 110 liters total and has a 300-liter fresh box capacity.
According to the power labels, the freezer boasts a 3-star power rating. It also has a yearly power use of 280 Kwh. Three-star freezers, the most efficient in power efficiency, also perform well to cut down on power consumption.
This freezer features a smart inverter compressor. This inverter will reduce noise, increase efficiency, and deliver better performance. It also boasts two important characteristics, Auto Smart Connect and Smart Connect.
Smart Connect lets the freezer detect any intimate error and notify you immediately. In addition, auto Smart Connect enables you to connect the freezer with your house inverter, so your meal will stay fresh even if the power goes out.
If there is not enough space in the refrigerator's fresh box compartment, the Samsung freezer can be made into a freezer. This is an easy way to get more room, without having to worry about it.
Samsung freezer price in Bangladesh also features Door cooling plus technology. This allows the freezer to provide cool air and optimal ventilation for the contents stored inside.
Additionally, the double-door freezer Bangladesh 2021 features toughened glass racks that can hold heavier containers just as well. Finally, the Moist or Fresh zone prevents excess moisture from building up while still retaining the water needed to keep your fruits and vegetables fresh.
Whirlpool Frost-free Freezer Whirlpool310L Inverter
Whirlpool freezers have a double-door design. It also has many unique characteristics you'll love. Fridge price in BD holds 310 liters. It is perfect for families of three to six.
The Auto-defrost function prevents any ice buildup in the freezer's interiors, making it frost-free. In addition, Digital Inverter technology has been installed in this freezer. This allows for better power efficiency and performance.
These Whirlpool freezers have the unique feature of allowing you to convert between modes. These modes include the Seasonal method; Vacation mode; House Alone mode; Extra freezer mode, and the Normal mode.
The Normal mode, which is the default fridge and freezer mode, is what the name suggests. The seasonal method keeps the fresh meals compartment on and switches off the fridge.
The Extra freezer function, which converts your fridge to a freezer, allows more storage space. You can use this mode for long vacations. This mode won't require you to store fresh meals and instead keeps the fridge open.
The House Alone Mode is for people who live alone and don't need a lot of space. This mode transforms your fridge into a fresh meal box and turns off your freezer. These five modes can save you lots of electricity, cut down on your power costs, and, most importantly, make your freezer as easy as possible.
Whirlpool's all-around cooling ensures that the freezer is well-ventilated and cools all food items. Easy Slide features allow racks to be easily removed. Frames are made of toughened, durable glass to withstand heavy objects.
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